
How can I upgrade my Junior Coach skills? 🧐

How can I upgrade my Junior Coach skills? 🧐

May 25, 2023

Q: How can I upgrade my Junior Coach skills? 🧐

A: Great question, eager player! When you start the onboarding process, you'll snag a skill point that you can use to upgrade one of the three skills you picked for your Junior Coach. 🌟

Want more skill points? Just play and rack up that XP! It'll boost your Junior Coach Level and every time you level up, you get another skill point to upgrade one of your three chosen skills. 🎮

But wait, there's more! You can also use Booster Skill Cards to upgrade a skill that wasn't one of your original three. 😉 So keep playing, win those booster cards, and supercharge your Coach! 🚀

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